

量子化身體的某些階段,會出現幾次類似感冒狀態,這是身體轉化提昇的分裂重組。 當我們的身體系統需要慢下來放鬆調整(尤其是能量療癒工作者實作頻繁的初期),就會出現感冒的徵兆。 所以,當高次元的頻率因更高頻率的分裂重組,來讓你的身體以更高的速率提升, 物質身體與能量光體通常會需要重新獲得一個「相互融合的平衡」,展現出來的形式就是我們所認知的「感冒」。 尤其是初期接受連結與開啟的個案,身體失衡(生病)的人尤其會在初期的過程,身體自動引導你進入疲倦的睡眠模式,來調整,並以更健康的物質身體, 讓新的分裂重組調和在你的能量系統。感冒是身體息的時候,也是實踐「自我療癒、不依賴借助外力」的最佳契機。


能量體的分裂重組會在任何我們「不自覺的狀況」下出現,但身體總是會第一時間帶來提醒,並且顯化在情緒上的波動與物質身體。 對於全然投入「能量練習」的人,幾乎是一定會經驗到的。 分裂重組最先反應在情緒層, 然後是身體系統的其它部分,有時會同時發生(因人而異)。 心智體也會伴隨著相互影響。 在更高的能量體會因為情緒體、物質體分裂重組所帶來的能量提升,而更獲得支援。 你的情緒體的調整,有些人在初期會感受到「更為混亂」,有些人則感到「更為寧靜平安」,這只是「暫時性的過渡」,你的身心靈剛剛調適與適應了一個分裂重組, 在不確定的過程中隨時會有新的調整,當情緒體感應到新的分裂重組, 身體這個高精密載具就會自動產生「連動執行」。 然而,在更高的存在層次,你的最高的意識層級與頻率,會是最屬於你這個存在本身的「最適宜的狀態」, 每一刻你都在死去也在重生,每一個你的所思所為都在做「決定」,唯你所在。

分裂重組與感冒 (Getting a Splinter and Catch Cold )

Have you ever had one of those days when you felt out of sorts and you didn’t know why?
Have you felt a cold coming on, decided to push through it and felt lousy because of it?
Maybe what you were experiencing wasn’t an illness at all.
Maybe you were receiving a splinter.

 Huh? A what?

I didn’t know what splinters were either until I began to engage my spiritual journey about 15 years ago. After many years of working in education, I began working in publishing, spiritual events planning and web development at a spiritualist church. As I immersed myself in the spiritual wisdom, I began receiving “splinters" from my higher self and my energy began to shift.

One day as I was working on the church’s website, the web pages were not loading up properly and I was getting really frustrated. I usually have a pretty high level of tolerance for this sort of thing, yet this time it really got to me. I remember angrily calling out to my spirit guidance, “What is going on?! Why is this not working?!" I soon discovered that I was receiving a splinter or a new portion of energy from my higher self.

A Powerful Way to Move us along our Evolutionary Path

As I continued to engage my spiritual journey, I learned that the physical incarnation of who we are is actually an aspect of our higher self, or soul self, and we are in constant connection with its energy. When we become more focused on our path of spiritual growth, the higher self can send higher vibrating portions of its energy, i.e., splinters, to raise our vibration. Using a computer analogy, we can look at a splinter from the higher self as something like a download of more memory to expand the hard drive. It is a powerful way to move us along on our spiritual path.

Working Through Thousands of Splinters

My higher self was really working with me! I didn’t get going on my spiritual journey until I was about 42, so I’ve had a really steep path of healing, folks! I started getting so many splinters—sometimes multiple splinters at one time—that I wanted to learn more about them!

I discovered that each splinter has a unique focus and purpose and that we can actually tune into them as they move in. For example, the next time you think you might be getting a splinter, move your hands through the field of energy around your body. Can you feel a variation in the vibration around you? Can you hear anything? Sometimes the splinters can even be heard as a higher pitched frequency.

I also learned that I could communicate with this new part of my own energies in order to ease the integration process. In meditation I would ask, “What is your focus?", “What would you like me to know?" The answers often had to do with releasing mental blocks, being more open to change and moving more and more from fear into love.

Honoring the Process of Receiving a Splinter

The way I understand it, as a new splinter of energy comes in, it works its way through the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical bodies of the auric field. During this process of integration, we may feel shifting on any or all four bodies as old thought processes or behaviors are released and our DNA adjusts to new levels of awareness. When receiving a new splinter of energy, you may feel physically, emotionally or mentally “challenged." For example, you could feel like you have the flu, a sore shoulder or a headache.

On the brighter side, you could also feel more open to “downloads" of new ideas and insights that will make something you have been working on suddenly become very clear. You may even begin to channel or autowrite information that you need for your journey. Splinters are a gift of more love from the higher self to celebrate our readiness to evolve to a new level of awareness. It is is the consciousness of who we are becoming more aware of a higher vibration of the self. This can be felt as a strong heart-felt vibration when the splinter 「locks in」 and our overall frequency of love aligns and rises with the new higher frequency of the splinter.

What can we do when we get one?

Receiving so many splinters really motivated me to develop regular Lemurian Shamanic spiritual practices, such as prana breathing, giving and receiving weekly healing sessions, meditating at least once a day and doing automatic writing or journaling. In this way, I could tune in to the lessons that my higher self was moving me through. I tried not to get stuck in blaming someone else for my challenges and focused instead on myself and how I could learn and evolve.

However you feel a splinter coming in, take a moment to prana breathe. As you breathe deeply, visualize the golden particles of the Creator’s Light above your head and breathe them in through your crown chakra. Weave these loving particles through your pineal gland, down to your thymus and into your heart chakra. Prana breathing is a powerful way to feel the balance and the love within.

In a world of physical challenges, relationship issues and financial concerns, life can become stressful and the splinter will tend to amplify whatever we are going through. Take the opportunity to receive a healing session, have a nap or a walk on the beach. Be fully present with yourself in the moment. Tune in to each of your five senses to receive insights into the nature of the new energies. Come into the full awareness of how you feel and gently release any fears or negative thoughts that come up for you.

Be kind to yourself on all four bodies! This is how the Lemurians wove with the new splinter energies of evolution, and we can do it too! In Love and Lemurian blessings,


♦ 延伸閱讀: